Accredited Vs Non Accredited Courses
Understanding the difference between an Accredited Course versus a Non-Accredited course will assist in selecting the right course(s) for your needs. Take a moment to read this.
Accredited Courses
Accreditation means the course is nationally recognised and that a registered training organisation (RTO) can issue a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment following its full or partial completion.
An accredited course: meets industry, enterprise or community needs. Accredited courses can only be delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) that: own the course or have permission from the course owner to deliver the accredited course, and. have the accredited course on their VET scope of registration.
Accreditation of a training course is an official recognition of the status of an educational qualification by government. It gives the qualification legal status, as a bona fide qualification for employment and education purposes.
Non-Accredited Courses
Many people are under the impression that a non-accredited course has less value, which is not true. Non-accredited courses are great for learning a new skillset, or building on your existing proficiencies. Typically, they're shorter in duration, which means that you can gain a new skill set in a shorter time-frame
What you need to know about non-accredited courses
- A non-accredited course has no connection to an external accreditation or professional body.
- Non-accredited courses focus on equipping the student with a specific knowledge and skillset.
- You can study a non-accredited course to help you in your current and future career.
- Even though it carries no professional recognition, you can still list it on your CV.
- Non-accredited courses are usually shorter in duration.
- Non-accredited courses are not as expensive as professional study programmes.
- Non-accredited courses are more affordable than accredited study programmes.
The advantages of studying a non-accredited course
- The study material and assignments are not as complicated.
- Non-accredited courses are often shorter in duration, which means that you can gain a new skillset in a short period of time.
- A non-accredited course can help you refine your skills.
- Non-accredited courses are still valuable in the job market.
- You can build on your knowledge and skill.
- The entrance requirements for non-accredited courses are not as strict as those for accredited courses.
Can I get a job with a non-accredited certificate?
Yes, you can get a job with a non-accredited certificate. However, it is important to note that you will not be able to apply for roles which stipulate accreditation as part of the role description. A non-accredited course focuses on equipping the student with a specific skillset.